Colours of Life

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The Flower of Life was designed by the old egyptians. However, you can find this symbol in similar forms in lots of other cultures as well. The Flower of Life can be interpreted as a symbol for our DNA, our connection to the bodycells, and as a symbol for the network of life.

It is a symbol with a high positive radiation and has a multiple use to create positive energies through the power of the symbol. Each one of the colours of the rainbow represents a special emission of light and therefore carries it's special quality. If we are aware of this radiation, we can use it in our life with ease.

There would be a lot to write about each colour and what it expresses energetically. We just want to name some short keywords to inspire you to explore the world of colours yourself – and especially what this means for you.

Pink: Love & Security

A colour like in the womb.

Red: Energy & Presence

A colour of the heat of the fire

Orange: Joy & Easiness

A colour fresh like an orange

Yellow: Intellect & Creativity

A colour equal to the sun

Green: Growth & Heartstrength

A colour as growing as nature

Turquoise: Far-sightedness & Intuition

A colour of the horizon at the sky

Blue: Prosperity & Relaxation

A colour as quiet and cool as a deep sea


Violet: Spirituality & Transformation

A colour as mysterious as the amethyst


Gold: Structure & Decision

The spiritual light of the most valuable metal


The soul loves truth – therefore you have to feel deep inside yourself  which colour is spontaneously most appealing to you – colours can help you to realize your current needs.

If you are conscious of this radiation, colours can be used with ease.

Use the positive power of these symbols and support your goals fully conscious with the appropriate light of a colour.
We wish you lots of joy and light in your life!

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