Quantum Qi healing is an Aquarian Age, new quantum, metaphysical bio-energy healing consciousness created by Grandmaster Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim, combining ancient Taoist, Buddhist and Shamanic practices from Asia and South America.
With traditional bio-energy healing, healers use their body to channel bio-energy to a person who needs healing. Sometimes the healer also receives the health and blockage problems of the person being healed. Healers working on a regular basis may therefore suffer from burnout syndrome.
In Quantum Qi healing practice, the healer through the Grandmaster's transmission and Kundalini activation, is able to create and draw from the supreme Quantum Qi healing consciousness frequencies guided by the Tao angels specifically for each individual with specific wellness and vital-energy blockage problems – directly and detached from the healer. It takes less than a minute to create an individualized Quantum Qi healing consciousness for each person.
This Quantum Qi healing frequency continues with the guidance of the Tao angels to flow for several hours and even days to fuse into the body cells of the person seeking healing to release blockages slowly. By applying this Quantum Qi healing technique, a healer or facilitator can work with a large group of persons without draining his energy.
Quantum Qi healing frequencies can be sent for long distance healing and harmonization to humans, animals, plants, all living beings and polluted water. Lots of health tips on longevity and on common health problems, food, and environment will be given. Lots of practical hand-outs on practice, sharing and fun. Everyone who wants to have good wellness and vitality for himself and his family and healthcare personnel should not miss the opportunity to attend this miracle workshop.
Dr. Lim from New Zealand is an international well-known Qi-Mag Feng Shui and Geomantic Grandmaster, having trained almost 2000 consultants and students practicing in 59 countries. He can identify more than 350 nature and metamorphosis frequencies in the grounds, and has studied bio-energy medicine. He also teaches and practises energy medicine and "Quantum One needle Soma Acupuncture" technique.
The renowned health expert Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim will show methods and techniques how to release mental, emotional, and physical blocks in our bodies and how to restore the right balance to our body.
The participants of this seminar will receive diverse energetic activations from Dr. Lim personally; and under his guidance you will put to practice all that you have learnt on each other.
Find out how this seminar is informative, enriching and healing at the same time!
All participants can attend this hands-on course. This advance course is part of the syllabus for the "International Health Therapist Certificate".
In these five days Dr. Lim will share his experience and knowledge from over 25 years of work with alternative healing methods. This is a real enrichment for both therapists and people interested in healing alike.
Grand-Master Dr. Jes Lim teaches in English with German translation.
The course takes place from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., each with a 30 minutes coffee break. The evenings are reserved for optional group work.
Die Medien berichten jeden Tag, dass wir uns in einer Phase großer Herausforderungen befinden. Die Völker und Weisen der Welt sagen schon lange einen drastischen Um- und Zusammenbruch altbewährter Strukturen voraus. Die Energien des im Jahr 2008 begonnen Wassermann-Zeitalters sorgen für starke Turbulenzen. Es geht, wie man so schön sagt, ordentlich rund.
In dieser Zeit der starken äußeren und inneren Veränderungen und Herausforderungen bietet der Feng Shui-Großmeister und Gesundheitsexperte Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim bewusst einen offenen Seminartag an, der Zuversicht, Hilfe, Information und positive Energie für Menschen aller Berufe und Inter essensgruppen geben wird.
Dr. Lim referiert ausführlich über taoistische Weisheit und gibt wirkungsvolle Tipps für Körper, Geist und Seele. Dadurch erhalten Sie hilfreiche Informationen, die Ihr Bewusstsein erweitern und Ihnen Anregungen für einen glücklichen, gesunden und erfüllten Lebensweg geben können.
Während des Seminartags wird es eine von Dr. Lim geführte Gruppen-Meditation und eventuell einen kleinen Einstieg in die Kunst des Duft-Qi Gong geben. Wenn Sie es wünschen, erhalten Sie während des Seminars vom Großmeister direkt energetische Aktivierungen. Diese werden selbstverständlich an Ihre persönliche Situation und den von Ihnen benötigten Energielevel angepasst. Jeder erhält genau die Aktivierungen, die im Rahmen seines Seelenplans gut und hilfreich sind.
Erleben Sie einen fröhlichen und motivierenden Seminartag, der Ihnen helfen wird, Klarheit und Ausrichtung in Ihrem Leben zu finden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Kraft der positiven Energien und die Erfahrung eines Großmeisters!
Jes Lim referiert in Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung durch seine langjährige Übersetzerin Daniela Schenker. In den Pausen besteht die Möglichkeit, persönliche Fragen an Dr. Lim zu stellen.
Die Seminarzeiten sind von 9.30 Uhr bis ca. 18.00 Uhr. Vormittags und nachmittags gibt es je eine halbe Stunde Kaffee- und Teepause mit kleinen Snacks. Die Mittagspause ist von 13.00 Uhr bis 14.30 Uhr.
Am nächsten Tag lädt Dr. Lim zum ersten Mal zu einer gemeinsamen geomantischen Arbeit an der Berliner Mauer ein. mehr…
The old taoistic masters commonly used to introduce geomantic aspects into their Feng Shui consultations. Today in particular, when the entire vibration of the earth is changing, old tales and memories which have rested for decades increasingly come to the surface. In this seminar, Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim teaches how to work energetically to transform difficult patterns and energies of places, in order to create places of strength, love, and harmony. We believe that the world needs people who have this old knowledge and who recognize and dissolve the ancient preserved consciousness with love and sensitivity.
In class, many practical examples are given. In the evening, the acquired skills will be practised in groups, guided by qualified Tao geomantic practitioners.
Grandmaster Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim lectures in English with German translation. The seminar schedule runs from 9.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. In the morning and afternoon there will be a tea- and coffee-break with little snacks. Lunch-break is held a bit longer from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
After completion of the seminar, each participant receives an international certificate.
The organization reserves the right to change the schedule. All participants have to effect their own health-insurance for their own protection. All participants have to accept that the organization and the Qi-Mag Institute cannot be made responsible for any accidents or injuries. All participants have to book and pay the flights from and to Colombo by themselves.