This is a rare opportunity to join a unique Mayan civilizations home coming trip for most of you old souls back in time to reexperience your past with world renowned Tao and Feng Shui Grandmaster Dr Jes T Y Lim, who is an expert in ancient and metamorphosis energies. Dr Lim is able to communicate with past civilisations and cultures to give you a good insight into actual Mayan cultures and ways of life in ancient times.
Day 1 - Tuesday, 11th November: All participants arrive at Merida City hotel or at Cancun City and take a bus to Merida City. Day is free to visit Merida City and stay overnight in hotel;
Day 2 - Wednesday, 12th November: Leave Merida City hotel at 8AM to visit Mayan Chichen Itza Ancient City, whole day trip with transport and lunch provided;
Day 3 - Thursday, 13th November: Visit Mayan Uxmal Ancient City, whole day trip with transport and lunch provided;
Day 4 - Friday, 14th November: Visit Mayan Labna Ancient City & Cenote lakes, whole day trip with transport and lunch provided;
Day 5 - Saturday, 15th November: Visit Mayan Kabah Ancient City and Cenote lakes, whole day trip with transport and lunch provided;
Day 6 - Sunday, 16th November: this day is free and Mexicans can go home if they wish;
Day 7 - Monday, 17th November: All participants have breakfast and then depart for home.
Good luck and success,
Dr. Jes T Y Lim
The old taoistic masters commonly used to introduce geomantic aspects into their Feng Shui consultations. Today in particular, where the entire vibration of the earth is changing, old tales and memories which have rested for decades increasingly come to the surface. We believe that the world needs people who have this old knowledge and who recognize and dissolve the ancient preserved consciousness with love and sensitivity.
This course with Grand-Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim is the continuation of the seminar Tao Geomancy level 1. The energetic levels of subtle substances are presented in an even deeper way.
Many practical examples are shown in the class. During the evening team-work one trains again what one has learned.
The course is taught in English with German translation.
Each participant receives a detailed handbook.
Having completed the course, the participants receive an international certificate.
The organization reserves the right to change the schedule. All participants have to effect their own health- and accident insurance for their own protection. All participants have to accept that the organization and the Qi-Mag Institute cannot be made responsible for any accidents or injuries. All participants have to book and pay the flights from and to Colombo by themselves.
Traumatic experiences during many of our past lives are causing spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level problems and blockages in our normal body functions. Often times during our past we experienced injuries from thrusting or firearms, extreme suffering experiences, terminal wounds and so on. During the Tao Noetic Spiritual Surgery Therapy it is common to find over a hundred of these spiritual memory images on the human body.
These past traumatic experiences are manifested today as: muscular -, joint-, backbone pains, slipped disk, sinuses problems, headaches, heart problems, tumors, gall stones, hearing problems, Parkinson´s disease, migraine and stomach pains, limbs paralysis and so on. These present problems are identifiable as spiritual memory images in the energy field of the human body.
In this training series the whole human body with all its problems is considered holistically. You learn to carry out the metaphysical and spiritual therapy to holistically harmonize and healing each section of the body or organ on six holistic levels, nine spiritual consciousness levels and over 5000 years of soul life to bring the body back to its normal functions.
The training consists of an 8 part workshop series with a lot of practical sessions. Each Workshop is a complete course. Three workshops deal with the outer body and five with the inner body (including the internal organs). Participants learn to work on the particular spiritual memory images in the organs and on the body.
Special highlight of each workshop:
Each participant receives from Tao-Grandmaster Jes T. Y. Lim, according to the specific workshop level, the necessary Tao Noetic Spiritual Surgery spiritual transmission and Tao Kundalini activation.
Your benefits:
No prior knowledge is required. Minimum age: 21 years
Workshop Level 1:
Removal and harmonization of spiritual memory images from extreme suffering experiences from past lives.
Many people were in their past lives victims from extreme suffering experiences. Parts of the body were locked up or confined in shackles on the neck, legs, arms and hips.
Curses were often put on a person´s body to restrict their ability to do certain tasks causing lack of confident and self-worth or to ensure the failure of a love relationship or causing impotence or causing phantom fear etc.
These traumatic past experiences remain on the body as spiritual memory images in the soul-, etheric and auric fields on the body and can be identified.
They often cause restricted and painful movements of the neck, the arms and legs, joints and the backbone or as regular recurring pains, weaknesses of the organs, back pains, muscular and joints pains, migraine, general fatique, impotence, heart problems, stroke, numerous allergies and the feeling that you are not free to do what you want to do in your daily life.
After the special Tao Energy Transmission and Tao Activation you learn:
This is the first workshop towards achieving the master certificate of the Tao Noetic Spiritual Surgery.
Sie lernen spirituell eingeprägte Erinnerungsabbilder von Kriegswaffen, tödlichen Werkzeugen und herabfallenden Objekten aus früheren Leben zu harmonisieren und zu entfernen.
Jeder Teilnehmer erhält von Tao-Großmeister Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim die diesem Workshop-Level entsprechende Tao-Noetische Spirituelle Chirurgie-Eniergieübertragung und Tao-Kundalini-Aktivierung!
Ziel ist, dass die Teilnehmer für das Energiefeld des menschlichen Körpers sensitiver werden und somit die Tao-Noetische Spirituelle Chirurgie-Therapie diesem Ausbildungsworkshop-Level entsprechend ausüben können.
Tao-Schüler mussten früher bei einem Tao-Meister sehr lange studieren um diese spezielle Energieübertragung und Aktivierung zu erhalten.
Im Laufe Tausender früherer Leben haben wir zahlreiche traumatische und lebensbedrohliche Verletzungen durch Kriegswaffen, tödliche Werkzeuge, Pfeile, Schwerte, Dolche usw. sowie schwere Verletzungen durch herabfall ende Objekte erlitten. Oft sind über hundert dieser spirituellen Erinnerungsabbilder von Verletzungen im Seelen-, Äther- und Aura-Energiefeld vorhanden und zu erkennen.
Diese schwer traumatisierenden Erlebnisse können sich im aktuellen Leben als wiederkehrende Schmerzen und Verletzungen in verschiedenen Körperregionen bemerkbar machen. Dadurch können Organschwächen, Atemnot, Impotenz, Unfruchtbarkeit, Migräne, Bandscheibenvorfall und Bewegungseinschränkungen auftreten, Schmerzen an Hals, Nacken, Rücken, Armen, Beinen, Gelenken und Wirbelsäule sowie Muskelschmerzen die Folge sein und Herzbeschwerden, allgemeine Erschöpfung, Unfruchtbarkeit, Impotenz, das Gefühl der Freiheitseinschränkung, Schlaganfall, Sprachstörungen und vieles mehr auftreten.
Nach der fortgeschrittenen Level 2 Tao-Energieübertragung und Tao-Aktivierung lernen Sie: im ersten Schritt Tao-makroatomare Techniken systematisch anzuwenden um Problembereiche am menschlichen Körper zu erkennen, in denen alte spirituelle Erinnerungsabbilder von Kriegswaffen, scharfen Werkzeugen und herabfallenden Objekten gespeichert sind.
Im zweiten Schritt lernen Sie mit diesen Techniken auf sechs holistischen Ebenen und neun Ebenen des spirituellen Bewusstseins diese alten Erinnerungsabbilder zu harmonisieren, die daraus resultierenden Beschwerden und Schmerzen zu reduzieren und die normalen Körperfunktionen schrittweise über eine Zeitspanne von fünftausend Seelenleben wieder herzustellen.
Das ist ein Praxisworkshop mit vielen Übungseinheiten und zusätzlich ein Selbstheilungsworkshop für jeden Teilnehmer.
Tao-Großmeister Dr. Jes T. Y. Lim
Dr. med. Helga Hörl
Tag 1: 10.30 bis 18.30 Uhr
Tag 2: 09.30 bis 18.30 Uhr
Tag 3: 09.30 bis 17 Uhr
Sie erhalten ein Arbeitsbuch und ein Teilnahmezertifikat.
Dieses Zertifikat ist der zweite Schritt auf dem Weg zum Meisterzertifikat der Tao-Noetischen Spirituellen Chirurgie.
Die Information en für den Workshop 3 werden frühzeitig bekannt gegeben!