Welcome at Tao Geomancy & Feng Shui! We are happy to accompany you on your way into the depth and mysticism of an energetic world view.
Man and environment in harmony
According to the Taoists, matter is nothing stable and permanent but is as saturated and ensouled by energy as the entire universe and finally mankind. Based on this principle, over the centuries many disciplines of Feng Shui and Geomancy have developed in China and deepened through every new experience. Feng Shui recognizes energies and symbols of the surrounding space and consciously brings them in harmony with it's inhabitants or its function. The goal is to bring human beeing and environment in harmony, so the human is strengthened to go forward in life. In addition, Feng Shui analyzes the energies of the landscape that influence us. It is the goal to utilize these energies at an optimum.
Respect for the earth
Geomancy, on the other hand, is sensitive for energies that emanate from earth, from sky, from trees, water, stones, and ores. Everything is ensouled by Qi, the cosmic energy, so that it is possible to change the vibration of all matter through consciousness, and to communicate with nature. In Geomancy, energy zones that have been stored in places of certain historic action find special attention and healing. The goal of Geomancy is to create an aware and healthy environment for human beeings. But it goes even further: We believe that earth and nature need our attention, love, and healing. The earth lovingly carries us, even though we often trample it under our feet!
Eastern wisdom for the West
Feng Shui Grand Master Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim founded the Qi-Mag Institute 20 years ago, with the goal to carry these prescious teachings of Feng Shui and Geomancy into the West. He is one of the pioneers of Feng Shui in Europe.
Taoistic saying
Do you wish to learn more? We are happy to give you a short summary of topics you can find on this website.
Feng Shui
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You are interested in the Qi-Mag Feng Shui more...
You are interested in: How does Feng Shui work? more...
Feng Shui courses & trainings more...
Statements of students of the Qi-Mag Institute more...
Tao Geomancy
You are interested in the art of geomancy more...
You are interested in Tao geomancy more...
You are interested in geopathic stress zones more...
You want to visit our power spots more...
Information on Tao trips & trainings more...