Seminare und Vorträge

QQ-Qi Therapeutic Coaching

Samstag, 21. März 2020 bis Montag, 23. März 2020 09:00 - 18:00

QQ-Qi therapeutic coaching
(Qi-Mag Quantum Qi - Energy and Healing Course)

3-day course from Saturday, March 21 to Monday, March 23, 2020 from 9 to 18 Clock.

During this course, the Kundalini and the 3rd eye of all participants are open to spiritual and sensitive feelings associated with natural energy healing work for humans and animals. Participants can release 100,000 qu (200,000 qu from both palms) of harmonic and healing qi from each palm and can send life energy to friends and families in other places and countries through remote healing. Participants are also healthier, more sensitive, more aware and more intuitive.

This QQ-Qi coaching course is a professional pillar in itself. Participants are able to experience and perform natural energy healing on themselves and others. Participants are also able to identify blocked energy on the body and remove these blockages. Each energy healing session lasts approximately 30 to 45 minutes, and QQ-Qi Coach can charge EUR 100.00 / USD 100.00 / RM 150.00 per session. This means that participants only need to complete 4 to 7 work sessions to regain their investment in this course.

Anyone interested in body healing for themselves or as a therapist / coach for others can take this course. No previous knowledge is required to take this course.

Course fee: EUR 400.00 or USD 450.00 for non-Malaysians and RM 960.00 for Malaysians only with 2 tea breaks and lunch.

The course is conducted in English. Online participation is available for existing international Qi-Mag students / advisors. It is more effective when online students work in pairs participate so that they are able to practice together.

This course is used to heal people and animals and is different from Tao 1,2,3,4,5 courses that are related to land and buildings.

 Information & Contacts on above courses/meetings and on other Qi-Mag courses please contact Qi-Mag Group Manager Ms. Cleopatra Lajawai (Ms. Cleo) by email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or go directly to Qi-Mag website and social media Tel: +601151239875 for Telegram and WhatsApp. I suggest all consultants to register on Telegram and give your details to Ms. Cleo to list you on our network. 

QQ-Qi Therapeutic Coaching
Anmeldeschluss vorbei
2020-03-20, 12:00
Dr. Jes Tyng-Yee Lim
AEI Wellness N Longevity Center - Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
400,00 € pro Person
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